Thursday, December 2, 2010

Proposal Draft

Table of Contents
Organizations and volunteers involved III
Executive Summary IV
Sponsor Appeal V
Problem V
Solution V
Capabilities VI
Budget VI
Conclusion VII
References VIII

Executive Summary
Aggies for Africa is a nonprofit student operated organization. Our mission is to raise money, shoes and awareness about to the conflicts facing the people of Africa. We donate money and supplies to Africare and Green Eyes in African in an effort to protect and home orphans. Both of these programs are national nonprofit organizations that are promoting humanitarian aid efforts for the people of Africa. As alumni of Utah State University we would expect that you care about the programs students organize and the goals that we represent. Aggies for Africa are asking you to sponsor our events, fundraisers and goals for the 2010-2011 school year. This will include events sponsoring Africare and Green Eyes in Africa to come to USU to present their positions in an effort to raise awareness and get more students involved and sponsor fundraisers throughout the school year in order for us to meet our goal of donated 2,000 pairs of shoes and 10,000 dollars. We are asking you as an alumnus and a sponsor to donate 2,000 dollars per a semester that you are involved in our program. In return for your funding their will be a silent auction dinner where members of the community will be able to donate and Stan Albrecht will present our sponsors with a pact of recognition honoring their donation and sacrifice made. Sponsor recognition will also be available on the Aggies for Africa website.

Sponsor Appeal

Aggie for Africa is interested in being sponsored by alumni of Utah State University because we know that the alumni at USU care about our schools organizations and programs. USU is a school that supports each other whether it is sporting events, charity events or higher education research and funding. Alumnus is proud of their school and we want to give them something once again to be proud of. The Aggies for Africa organization helps the world on an international level, which is also a representation of the demographic of USU.


Sub-Saharan Africa is home to millions of abandoned children due to AIDS, government corruption, war, and other factors. We ask: if citizens of prosperous countries don't help them, who will? ( As a USU organization our focus is here at home. Raising awareness of the situation outside of our homeland is our primary focus. Aggies for Africa need funding to have events involving students and staff to raise awareness. One million children in Africa are currently infected with diseases caused by the lack of shoes and sanitary conditions. ( child poverty in Africa)


If Aggies for Africa receives sponsorship for our program we can fundraise money to send to Green Eyes in Africa. With alumni sponsorship we plan on hosting events that allow students to donate shoes and allow them to experience some poverty situations. Working with Green Eyes in Africa located in Salt Lake City gives us an advantage with our program. We are able to host them coming to USU giving their presentations that they have been able to make by going to Africa and seeing first hand the dire situations.


Green Eyes in Africa would be more than pleased to present, as our partner, how our donations are used and where all of the money goes.


T-shirt cost (sold for $10) ???

We should come up with an exact cost and an exact amount of t-shirts that we have a goal to sell.
September event cost ???
November event cost ???
February event cost ???
April event cost ?

In these events we should include what they, our goals of money/shoes and our goal of the amount of people to get involved. Also we need to include the cost of refreshments.

Green Eyes in Africa ???

Probably won’t involve money other than refreshments.


If you agree to our proposal we would like you to contact our Public Relations Management team leader, Brianna Harrison at 435-555-5555. She will set up a meeting, which will include Aggies for Africa and Green Eyes in Africa showing a presentation for you and all your constituents.



  1. really good job! i thought you guys had great information and were very convincing!

  2. Great article, you guys had very good information and did a good job explaining what you were about and what you were looking for.
