Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Draft Press Release 3:Cause Promotion

Oct. 5, 2010


Preston Parker,
Cache Valley Area Investors Association
1234 8th Ave. S.
Logan, UT 84321
Phone: 435-555-5555
Fax: 435-555-5556
Email: preston.parker@usu.edu
Website: https://www.cvaia.org

Financial Independence is Available to Anyone

LOGAN, Utah. – Most middle class Americans are raised not to believe in financial independence. The truth is, financial independence can be achieved in 7-10 years if one has the time, assets and experience. Education on how to do so is available and every able bodied person should seek it out.

Financial independence is achieved when an individual’s passive income is higher than their expenses. Passive income is revenue generated that comes in everyday, even while you are sleeping. Investing is one way to generate passive income.

“You can work anywhere you want if you are financially independent,” said Preston Parker, president of Cache Valley Area Investors Association. “In fact you don’t have to work at all.”

The CVAIA was established to educate people about the benefits of financial independence and raise awareness about the cause. For information contact myself or go to www.CVAIA.com.

Nick Rust


  1. Great job, you have a really good flow and catchy beginning. I'm impressed at how well it turned out during class!!

  2. I like your first paragraph. It grabbed my attention. And I like how you explained what financial independence is! ps. Remember to write out 7-10.

  3. Wow! For a draft this is really well done. All that you need is the boiler plates he had on the assingment sheet.
